Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stairs with a view

Today I was invited by a few of the others from UQ and some other internationals (2 Americans, a German and a Pom) to climb the Peak.

For all of you that don't know, the peak is the highest point on Hong Kong island and offer the most awesome views of the harbour. It was a very interestng experience. Today was about 31 degress and 95% humidity so naturally I took about 2 litres of water with me as it was about a 8km walk straight up a mountain. Unfortuantely some of the Europeans did not think so far ahead with one girl setting off in sandles and no water at all. We only got about halfway when I was basically watering four of us least someone collapse of heat exhustion.

The view was well worth it though.

P.S. Thanks to all the people who have either commented or emailed me. It's good to feel loved!


Blogger jolin said...

looks nice~~~

3:04 pm  

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