Friday, September 01, 2006

Living it up in HK

Today would have had to have the best day so far in Hong Kong. Where else sould you go where else could you go where you would spend the days in karaoke bars with the locals and spend the nights drinking until 3am with people from all over the world.

Last night I discover Lan Kwai Fong which is the bar district and basically the local hangout of almost every westerner in Hong Kong. I hooked up with a group of about twenty exchange students (Americans, Canadians, French, Dutch, Brits, Swedes, Argintines), it was a VERY good night. Too bad about the obcene prices for alcohol here. It was about A$8-11 for a beer, depending where you go. It is a price one must pay though. I am currently working out what essentials I can cut out in order to make this a nightly habit...


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