Friday, November 17, 2006

Stuck without a passport

Damn the Chinese authorities. All I want is to visit their damn country and I have to jump through hoops to get there.


How I am I supposed to know that you need 6 months validity from the expiration of the visa not just 6 months from when my visa expires.


As a result I found myself heading to the Aussie consulate to get a new passport even though my current passport doesn't expire til July. Not ony does it cost me around A$200 but it will take TWO WEEKS to get it. As a result I am stuck in Hong Kong with no passport and nowhere to go.

I was supossed to be going to Chengdu this weekend - CAN'T
I was invited to go to a 21st in Macau - CAN'T

On a lighter note, I'm starting to really like the grading system here at HKU. So far I have technically failed two mid-semesters (less then 50%) but since everything here is bell-curved, I have really achived decent passes for both of them. Too easy :-)

I hope everyone did just as well for their exams!

Take care, need to here so good!!!


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