Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hate the homework and hate the weather...

Hong Kong what have you done to me? So much homework, boring classes and the weather...omg!

Ever since about 3pm today we have had nothing but storm after storm. There's another one coming through now and that will be number five.

- got drenched on the way back
- I left my window a little open so my bed is wet
- the canteen flooded so i have to go to 7-11 for dinner
- and worse of all, the tv blew up meaning that my floormates no can't play FIFA2006 so have had to resort to throwing balls at each other and anyone that gets in the way

I also have so much homework this week. I have a Chinese test on Thursday, an essay and another presintation for next Tuesday as well as two probalem sets that are completely impossible to solve. So now its 1.30am, I've had about three cups of tea and am buzzed to work!!!

and of course procrastinate here!

I'm looking forward to Thursday night though beacuse I finally get to meet my mentor. At the beginning of semester I applied for and got accepted into the university's mentorship program and the inauguration ceremony in on Thursday. I don't know much about her excepts she's an alumni that is currently high up in some chemical company. Should be really fun.

Also I won third prize in the UQ Abroad photo competition. Cheak it out at:

I also picked up my new passport yesterday. I must the new style of Aussie passports are very ugly. The pages are orange for god's sake!!

Anyway I better do somework before it's 2!!!

Oh yeah. Went to kareoke in Aberdeen on Saturday. A lot of fun. Here are some pics (none of me though)

Cheers all,



Blogger jolin said...

seems you have such a happy life there... going everywhere... so jealous~

1:24 am  

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