Sunday, January 21, 2007

Grettings from Shanxi

Hey all,

Well once again the Shenzhen-Guangzhou leg of my China trip has skrewed me over. This time I tried to take the train (as it headed to the ultra modern Guangzhou East station where I hoped to get my connection to Taiyuan) but it ended up being delayed for two hours. By the time I got to Guangzhou the train had already been fully booked leaving me stranded for the night.

I was about to give up and head back to HK when I came across a line of 'travel help desks' just outside the station which all sold train tickets, plain tickets and hotels. Agaist my better judgement I approched one that looked like it spoke a little English to see if they could get me a ticket. She said she would try as she had many 'connections'. After half a dozen phone calls she admitted defeat but said she could get me an airfare for the next morning for arouns 1100RMB. She said this was about 70% of the normal price. I don't know if this was true or not but I paid anyway as I did not want to spend a whole day in horrible Guangzhou waiting for another train.

Anyway after paying the money I went with one of her daughters to get the ticket. It what was one of the most dodgest experiences I walked with her to some random hotel, walked passed reception, went up the elevator and through some random karoke bar and into this back room travel agency where I got the ticket (thank god it looked official otherwise I don't know what I would have done!)

Well it all turned out alright and I got here in the end. And it is absolutely freezing!!!!!

Enjoy the warmer climes!


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