Saturday, December 02, 2006

and finally everything kicks in...

I'm coming into the last week of semester and I have never been so busy. So on a Saturday when all the arts students are out getting drunk I'm procrastinating here on my blog...

Firstly some pictures of the pandas from Ocean Park to keep Mum happy...

Cute huh,

well you didn't see the hordes of people crowded in the room all trying to get that perfect picture. They must get sick of it...but I think they're similar to koalas, all they do is eat and sleep...not a bad life really!

Anyway back to the work at hand. So far before I finish this semester I have 1 presentation (in chinese), 2 essays and 4 exams. But the last one is on the 30th so I have plenty of time. I was thinking about going to the Philippines next week but I'm still tossing up whether to go or will be fun but I don't really want to spend the money. I might stay closer to home and 'rediscover 'Hong Kong again. There is a lot I haven't done yet and it would be nice to be an tourist again.

Anyway I have just finished my Chinese speech so just to show how clever I am i'll post it here.


我姓Schultz, 叫Matthew Schultz.我的中文名字叫马修。我是澳大利亚人。八月我到香港来。现在,我是香港大学的学生。我的专业是经济和人类学。我很喜欢外国旅行。上个月,我到马来西亚,中国和日本去。旅行很好。我也喜欢香港大学,但是我的宿舍不太好。



As you can probably tell its just a self introduction speech but I'm pretty impressed by how much I remembered after just a few weeks. I think its mostly right but I'll get my neighbour to check it tomorrow when he gets back.

Just to show how REALLY CLEVER I am here's the same speech in Japanese.




If only I was truly trilingual....anyway I won't be putting up the english. Go find a Chinese or Japanese person!

Now that is out of the way, I'll stop procrastinating and do some proper work. I'm currently writing a paper on how the IMF screwed over the third boring....

Anyway, take care!




Blogger jolin said...

You have a good Chinese now...

11:10 pm  

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