Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Just killing time

Hey all

Got a spare hour to use up so I might as well blog.

Had a late night last night with both a presentation and an essay due for my political science course, one on the IMF and how they screw over the the third world and the other on international trade disputes. What i would give to be on a beach back home now!!!

On Sunday I visited Ocean Park which is a theme park similar to Sea World just near my hall. It was okay, the rides were so-so but the two pandas they had there were really cool. What wasn't cool was EVIL JOYCE who had me thinking the whole day that the PANDAS WERE DEAD!!!! What had happened was I missed the first bus there and so the others went ahaead and saw the panda exhibit before I arrived. ThenEVIL JOYCE decided to pay a trick on me and made the others pretend that the pandas had died. I believed them since I knew they were very old. Old enough in fact that the Chinese government is sending out two more pandas as a reward for Hong Kong being really good for the first ten years of reunification.

I like it. Be good and we give you pandas!!

Other then that there isn't much to report....omg someone just told me to stop typing so loundly (i'm in the library). What an idiot. If he wants peace and quiet he shouldn't be in a computer room.....and now his phone's rining and he procedes to ANSWER IT AND TALK ON IT IN THE LIBRARY!!!! So rude. I'm bashing the keyboard now.

Oh yeah, I should mention that I am in the process of trying to extend my exchange here. So far I haven't heard back from BEL faculty which means I can't do anything. In order to extend my visa and get a HKID I need a new admission letter. They won't issue me a new exchange letter until the exchange office here lets them. They won't let them until I get a letter from the UQ exchange office and the UQ exchange office will not issue a letter until I get credit from BEL. I hate red tape. Also I got my "leave by the end of year or else" from my hall and I can't extend my residency until I have an admissions letter.


Anyway I'm sure Chirstmas in in full swing back at home as the decorations are starting to appear here.

Don't spend too much.


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