Friday, October 20, 2006


Okay after years in the cyber wilderness I have finally created an MSN account. At the moment my contact list is looking painfully empty so please add me. I would love to talk to you guys back home.

My address is

I might not be around for the next week but don't let that put you off.

Take care!


Jetsetting again...

Next week is our reading week so as a a consequence I'm travelling again ("reading" week - yeah right!!), this time to Japan. I'm set to leave on Saturday and return to Hong Kong on Wednesday as Mum is coming to visit (awwww, yeah I know). In this short time I am aiming to cover Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima. It will be incrediably expensive (compared to Thailand or Vietnam where most people are heading) but having lived there before I can't wait to return.

Camping in HK

Went camping on the weekend which was a lot of fun. Believe it or not but there are still some remote places in Hong Kong and in this case is was the island of Tap Mun in the New Territories. It was organised by the astronomy society at Starr Hall which is where many of the Australian girls I know are staying. It was overcast however so we didn't see any stars but it was a a lot of fun all the same and yet another side of Hong Kong of which I had yet to discover.


As I mentioned before I finally paid a visit to Mainland China. I visited the city of Shenzen which is just on the other side of the border from Hong Kong with a bunch of other internationals (including quite a few girls from UQ). Shenzen is apparantly the wealthiest city in China (one of the first cites where foreign companies were allowed to invest) and it looks like it. Massess of faceless concrete highrises, wide planned roads and people and industry moving at a million miles an hour. It is one of China's biggest manufacturing bases and is leading the way in China's rapid industrialization...but to most Hong Kongers (and me) it is just an extended shopping mall.

And what a mall it is. Just near the border crossing there is one particualar shopping centre that is just six floors of knock-off handbags (probably from the same factory that makes the genuine article!!), shoes, fake watches, clothes, tailors, copy DVDs, massage parlours and extremely cheap Dim Sum.

But it is hard work. Shopkeepers try and charge westeners extremely high prices and you could spend up to twenty minutes haggling them down to a deccent price. Men stalk you constantly trying to sell you DVDs. People physically pull you towards their shops. It can be very terrifying, especially if you are by yourself. But in the end you have to accept it as it is and indulge in the lawlessness. It ends up being quite fun. At the end of the day so as I did and treat yourself to a good foot massage (a whole hour for 30RMB). In the end it was a fantastic day trip as well as a good insight in how dynamic China's economy is. Everywhere people are working incredibly hard, eager to do business and just have a good sense of optimism.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Malaysia pics!!

As promised here are some pics from my recent trip to Malaysia.

Here is elephant getting a bath...

Here is me on said elephant about to be dumped in the river (ooh I know you envy me!!)

Jungle waterfalls

Naughty little monkeys in KL

The view from my hotel room.

A builiding we saw on fire from our room on the last night (no deaths but a number of people seriously injured)

And a view from the bottom of the Petronas towers in KL (the second tallest in the world)

All in all it was a fantistic (and cheap) few days. My only regret is that I could not stay longer. I can wait to return.

Back online

Alright back online.

Oh how I hate technology. Just after I returned to Hong Kong my computer started showing error messages and would not let me access the internet. After trying to fix it myself (with my limited IT skills), contacting Microsoft ("See you manufacturer for support"), Benq ("Talk to out Hong Kong support centre") and ringing the HK support centre ("aah...what is ahh...problem?") I just googled it (solution to everything!!) and found that my computer had contracted some nasty spyware which had corupted my registry meaning that I had to reinstall everything. What a pain...

It has been a busy week. I visited Shenzen (in Mainland China), scored a roommate and booked tickets to Japan for the upcoming mid-semester break.

Hope everyone is doing okay. Look after yourself.


PS. Saw the result of the NRL...yeah the Broncos!!! Too bad I didn't get to see it :(

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Greetings from KL

Hey guys,

Well I found a computer here in Kuala Lumpur so I thought I might post a quick update. KL hasn't been too bad, it was very smoggy yesterday but hasn't been so bad since. Today is actually quite clear which would have been good if we could get up the KL tower but it seems to be closed today. It has been a jampacked weekend. On Saturday we visited the Batu caves (a Hindu temple inside a massive limestone cave) as well as an elephant sanctuary (where I got to ride one - too cool!!). Yesterday we visted the areas around Ipoh including more caves and some rainforest (I can't remeber the names off the top of my head, I will post them with pictures when I get back to Hong Kong tonight).

Anyway stay safe and look after yourselves.